Filed under: Almudena of GH, Chiki GH, Chiqui Boom boom, Chiqui GH, the blog of Kiko, GH 10, Big Brother, Kiko Hernández, Survivors
Occasionally some ex-big brothers of other editions pass for the blog of Kiko Hernández to grant an interview to him and to tell him well that him the things go. But it is a lie. I mean, that it is not that the intention of the interview is to demonstrate it well that it they goes, but everything opposite: to sell the motorbike of some exclusive interview or to end up by asking was employed at some program or similar.
The most recent example is that of Chiqui “Boom - boom“, the candidate of Big Brother 10, which tells us in The Kiko confessional marvelously well that it him goes with the new place that has opened in Murcia. Why do all the ex-big brothers feel like opening discotheques? Why does the world of the night attract them so much? Will it be for working little, and gaining rapid and black money?
Then it puts us a little on the day of his sentimental life: that also him goes of marvel, which has tied the resident DJ of his place, that super lovers are and patatín-patatán …
And when the interview is coming to his end, and Kiko asks him for his next targets, Chiqui releases the bomb: "I would love bringing in Kiko in Survivors! I would like living through this adventure, and I believe that it would give a lot of game and they would amuse themselves very much with me, as it happened in Big Brother. I think that it would come until the final, turn out to be capable of throwing myself of the helicopter and of overcoming all the tests.”
What we were lacking. I do not support few desire of working of the GH candidates, it seems that only they aspire to jump from one reality to other, although they do not fulfill the profile requested for the above mentioned program. Everything on the assumption of does not return to his everyday lives, and with the only end of gaining easy money and of not giving a stick to the water.
I hope that the Survivors' organization should be it sufficiently sensible as to avoid the gulp of seeing the Chiqui lorcitas marauding for the island and suffering impute every two for three, as The Tidbit happened already in his moment to Juan.
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_RSS> Gente5> The Confessional of Kiko elconfesionariodekiko on December 14, 2009 at 20:34
Chiqui of GH 10 has new fiancé!
Recently our Chiqui Boom Boom has inaugurated a new local, guided one and supervised by herself, joining this way, to the innumerable list of ex-candidates of Gh who after his step along the house of Guadalix submerge in the business of the hotel trade and the night.
And since 10 is habitual in this unforgettable candidate of Big Brother, this Confessional has chosen to give us all the information on his current personal, professional and sentimental life.
Chiqui: how does your new business go?
Very well Kiko, I cannot complain. We inaugurate the discotheque on October 1, his name is Watersound and is placed in the second plant of the Zigzag of Murcia. For me it is a new adventure, and the people are answering very well.
Have your edition partners supported you in this project?
Of course, in these 2 months there have already happened for my discotheque Iván Madrazo, Orlando and Gisela.
Also this Saturday we will have Toscano Gh11, and there have already happened somewhere here several partners of his edition as Ángela.
How was your experience like collaborator in the Debate of Big brother?
Brilliant, I liked to be able to take part in the program, but as my work was to re-transmit from the tunnel and it does not exist already the house spies, it finished my collaboration.
Now I would like to go some day to Save me Deluxe, because I always follow you and it would be an honor to be able to take part some day.
What is your opinion about this new edition of Big Brother?
It is very different from mine, we were not the second day thinking about the briefcase. For me there are a full of Istanbul, they have not been able to choose well the candidates of Gh11.
Those of this edition have gone with many strategy and not to spend it to him well, only they think about the briefcase and do not entertain the spectator. Sincerely they lack the naturalness of our edition.
Who is your election to be the winner of Gh11?
For me the one that really deserves to win it is an Angel. That now he is thinking of leaving the house it seems normal to me, it is of bassoon and that's why we have spent all that we have been in this house, the days are weighing and even more in these dates that normally we spend with our families.
What do you think about such a commented Indhira expulsion?
To Indhira it him went away completely of the hands because it is never necessary to come to the point of trying to attack a partner, and less still for an uncle, there are no possible excuses.
Also it seems fatal to me that to his exit was asking for Arturo's expulsion, nobody will ever be able to say that it went out for his fault or that it had something to do with his expulsion, because it is not like that, she is the only person in charge of his behavior. Indhira has to forget Arturo, and leave that there is the hearing who decides if he wants to see him like winner, because this decision does not correspond to her.
Many have seen you reflected in the way of speaking about the candidate of Gh11, Tatiana.
I like Tatiana very much, it is between my favorites of this edition. It makes grace great to me when I remember all the criticism that I had because inside the house I was foul-mouthed, I do not have possible comparison with her, has overcome me completely, 1 of every 20 words that it releases is cursing.
What is your current relation with your edition partners?
With Iván Madrazo I speak every day, we keep on going brilliantly.
With Liz also I speak every day, because we are together in a project of a united calendar for an ONG together with Iván, supposedly tomorrow we should do the photos to ourselves, but with this bad weather I do not know if it will be possible to us.
With Orlando I usually speak every 2 weeks, it is not a relation so joined how with Iván, but we never lose the contact.
Also I keep on having dealing with Gisela and Dovecotes, which as it told me, will extract a disc in January; and it already does not support any type of contact with Julito from his wedding, and as it seems the phone does not take anybody.
And the others like Ann Toro, Loli, Nani or Mirentxu, I have never wanted to know anything.
How is your sentimental life?
I am brilliant, we are fine very much. We go together since I went out of the house and we are already living together in Cartagena. His name is Borja and is the resident Dj in my discotheque, it was him who did the remix of the song of the Julja, and now it has extracted a new disc to the market.
What is your next target?
I would love bringing in Kiko in Survivors! I would like living through this adventure, and I believe that it would give a lot of game and they would amuse themselves very much with me, as it happened in Big Brother.
I think that it would come until the final, turn out to be capable of throwing myself of the helicopter and of overcoming all the tests.