Friday, October 30, 2009

Lindsay Lohan undresses for the magazine Style. Photos gallery

In spite of qe Lindsay Lohan is not in his best moment, in what refers to health or sentimental situation, it is not possible to discuss that it is fashionable. For a little Fornarina it has elected it as his image for this period, and for something it works like assessor of the signature Ungaro.

It is true that desque the heart broke with his ex-, the DJ Samantha Ronson, Lindsay has not been the same again, and the medicines and antidepressants by which it is getting hooked up are spending a cruel invoice to him.

Nevertheless, the magazine Style has thought that the (dyed) blonde has pull sufficient and turns out to be sexy enough as to grant a front and a photographic reportage to him enough fashion (that we cannot deny it). and so that you are the first one in seeing it, I bring to you all the scans.

I do not know if it will be a suggestion, but I believe that even in the expression of the face there is evident the hell for which the pobrecilla has happened during the last months, and whose morello cherry of the cake there is sidoel fact of which almost it loses the conditional freedom that they granted to him after leather wine-bottle was smashing with a Mercedes that not even his, but of a company of rent of cars belonging to one, now, ex-friend of the actress.

I leave you with the photos.

Photos |

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