Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big Brother 11, Arturo throws himself to the attack: "Carol will fall down”. Video


Big Brother 11 is in his icy point after the disciplinary Indhira expulsion for throwing him a water glass to Carol and calling it a fox. While the malaguenha seems to have found the peace and to be starting to desintoxicarse of his "arturitis" seeing the videos of the one that she believed that it was his big love, the life continues in the house of Guadalix of The Saw.

THE dead person to the hole and the alive one to the roll, and for not respecting, Arturo respects not even the sentimental mournings, and the crocodile tears him have lasted the just thing to go out in a pair of videos, but The Fecundador already has the sights put in his next prey.

With Siscu as celestino, Arturo not of to bombard Carol with sweet talk, flirtation and propositions, and although she does not say not that yes not that not, she is it sufficiently ready as to allow to want, knowing that the illness generated by the possibility of this relation is the only thing that supports it inside the House.

The Fecundador, with his male's ego, it gives sure that the Cantabrian one will end up by falling down produced to his arms, and as man's good dispossession that is, it is boasting round there of it: "It will fall down. It is not wetted, but it will be wetted …”.

I do not believe that this week is necessary to expel it, better to throw Gerardo, who gives less game than a deflated ball. To Arturo and to Carol it is necessary to give at least one more week, so that they end up by doing edredoning and becoming enemies with all the viewers.

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