Michael Lohan could not already fall down any more down. The father of the actress cannot already to what tricks resort to gain him the attention of the press and to obtain this way any easy money.
It is already quite deplorable the fact of recording telephone conversations with the mother of your daughter, but more deplorable is still to sell the above mentioned conversations to the means bearing in mind that in them one was speaking about Lindsay's problems with the drugs and the rehabilitation. But to feign its own suicide in Twitter is the height of the heights.
Michael Lohan began tweetando that his fiancée had left it and that all his family hated it. Then he added that the Day of Thanksgiving was happening with his mother, and that the death of his father had made it fall down in a hole and she did not know what to do.
And to finish off the task he wrote that it was going to the bridge of Brooklyn, and one dismissed with a message Lindsay who was saying “I love you, farewell”.
I believe that, if he has not committed suicide, that is the most probable thing, someone should push it really for the happy bridge. I am not ready to support it granting interviews on his “almost suicide”, and of what in the last moment made him change opinion. Even there we could come.
Route | Allieiswired.com
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