During the little that they take of marriage, Bethlehem Esteban and Fran have already had time to monopolize the national means a pair of times with each and famous matrimonial crises. In the end, the waters returned to his river bed, and us cuena the magazine Soon, which both are putting on his part so that this time the thing works.
Knowing that his respective works are the principal cause of his disagreements, the couple has been tanjante in this aspect and has decided to diminish his labor responsibilities to spend more time together.
Bethlehem, for the tertuliana known already like “the queen of the people”, has asked Telecinco who should not monopolize it so much in the sets to be able to devote themselves to his sweet heart, and Fran for his part has put the clear things to his father, proprietor of the bar where it works, so that it hires another bartender who helps him, and not to have to go out of working to so many people of the dawn.
And this has not been the only step that Fran has given, since it has desisted from the idea of social life of his missis wife being supported to the margin of the mediática, and for the first time we could have seen it accompanying it to a skittle in Alicante, in which Bethlehem Gay received the Icon award 2009.
The thing they goes so well, that have already entrusted to themselves to the eager task of “a child entrusted”, that they would like that the next year was born.
Any couple has his crisis, the bad thing is that, after Bethlehem is so well-known, about our own ones everybody finds out. But I am sure that our marriage goes every time better and is for the whole life – Fran, husband of Bethlehem Esteban.