Monday, November 30, 2009

Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart, caught gathers of the hand. Photos!


For many secretismo that they are trying to take Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart, the scope mediático of the tour of promotion of New Moon is such, that have above more journalists that never (if it is that perhaps that is possible), and it is normal that earlier or later they were catching them in an a little more awkward attitude.

Although they spend the press conferences to themselves avoiding the questions on his supposed relation beyond the screen, a papparazzi has caught them in the airport of Paris, when they were preparing to fly in the direction of London, Rob's city, to continue with the promotion works …: with the interlaced hands!

Although it is still prompt to throw the bells to the flight, and that it is possible that perhaps, Rob was seizing it simply to urge her to hurry up, but his happiness smirk, and the anxiety of Kristen, which was looking at all sides being afraid that they were spying on them, they make us suspect. Do not get lost all the photos of the moment.

And the best thing of everything is that tomorrow we will have them in Madrid …

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