Thursday, November 5, 2009

Romance rumors between Amaia Salamanca and Fernando Andina


It seems impossible to continue the rhythm of conquests of Amaia Salamanca, which lately has of more absent-minded persons to us. Although his most famous romances were with the soccer player Sergio Ramos and with his partner of share-out in Brain drain, Mario Casas, the actress has turned in his motto that thing about “to dead put king, king”, and not of to chain heart after heart between his share-out partners.

The shooting set of Without nipples there is no paradise it has turned for Amaia into a good “area of fighter”, and if not long ago we saw her going out night with Antonio Velázquez, “Iván“ in the series, cogiditos even of the hand, now the rumors point towards another direction.

The new object of attentions and desires of the actress seems to be Fernando Andina, who in the fiction personifies a doctor knocked down between Jessi, and with whom the prostitute falls in love. Since Amaia, where it puts the eye, puts the bullet, or what is that it is she who sets, and now it seems to be much taken a fancy by the actor.

It is said, is rumored, one tells, that during the rests that do between capture and capture, Amaia and Fernando spend the moment to themselves very affectionate the two, doing caresses to him and happening besitos. Good professional rollito or something more?

Bearing in mind that his respective personages scarcely have common plot that one in front of the cameras, to me that thing about the “good professional roll” that I have left a little short, what you want that he says to you …

We will have still to wait to catch them infraganti in some night revelry, but everything will be walked.

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