Filed under: Alberto Caballero, Here there is no living who, changes of look, photos of Vanesa Romero, horoscopes 2010, Horoscope Gemini 2010, Maria Adánez, hairstyles of the famous ones, brushed for New Year's Eve, magazine Readings, brown dye, Vanesa Romero
In these so special dates and with the New Year's Eve so close, there are great those who decide to experiment with drastic changes of look, to meet on the perfect hairstyle for one so special night, and between them famous someone. It is the case of Vanesa Romero, model that tries to do career like actress, and that has decided to give a radical draft to his image, leaving his habitual look of fair-haired "Barbie" to pass to the edict of the brown breads.
Vanesa Rosemary managed of only one pen stroke to unite the fiancé of Maria Adánez, Alberto Caballero, and achieve that this one was writing to him the role of lesbian stewardess who gave him the success in the series ‘Here there is no living who‘, since the above-mentioned one was a scriptwriter and codirector of the series. For some months the ex-and the "current one", Maria and Vanesa, they coincided with the recording of several chapters, until Maria decided to put point and end to so many tension leaving the series.
It is necessary to admit that the change of look favors it, since his new hair color highlights more his eyes, although also it is true that it alienates him some years. Certainly, if you are Gemini as Vanesa, do not get lost your horoscope for 2010 clicking here.
Photos | Magazine Readings, printed edition
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