Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gonzalo Miró y Amaia Montero, end of romantic year in Argentina. Photos

Filed under: Amaia Hunter, Buenos Aires, photos Amaia and Gonzalo, photos galleries, Gonzalo Miró, magazine what do you say to me


That thing about Amaia Montero and Gonzalo Miró, more than a series of romantic escapes, begins looking like an eternal honeymoon. The parejita, which does nothing was walking his love for the Principality of Monaco, visiting the most expensive shops of those homes and staying at a hotel in which the price in night is the equivalent to the monthly salary for many of us.

Then they tried to play the absent-mindedness, proclaiming to four winds that were going to spend the New Year's Eve in New York, but the papparazzis have caught them very to coated with caramel in a restaurant of the quarter of San Telmo, Buenos Aires (Argentina).

Good wine, good meal and constant necking are the unequivocal signs that this romance goes well in any sail, and is every more strengthened day, although Amaia keeps on showing of the shiest with the means when they ask him if they are official fiancés, “very well, if you want to call it this way”, she says, becoming the ingenuous one …

Photos | Magazine: What you say to me!, printed edition

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