Friday, March 19, 2010

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth horny in the sand. Photos

Filed under: oversights of the famous ones, famous persons in the beach, photos of Miley Cyrus, galleries of photos, Miley Cyrus, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, caught, the last song


At first Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth were trying to conceal at all costs his romance, and they even tried to sell to us the motorbike of which the photos in which they were turning out to be very to coated with caramel by Paris were only a scene that they were lacking for rolling of the movie The last song.

But it seems that finally they have entered reason and have realized the absurd of his frustrated attempts of fleeing of the papparazzis, that's why they did not hide during his escape Australia to spend the holidays of New Year. And so much they have been cheering up with the matter that, back to the United States they have given free rein to his passion in a crowded beach.

Also it is seen that his boy likes making easy to Miley, and that's why it was taking a few denim shorts that, not only they were the whole moment unfastened, enclosed when they were walking along the beach, but not at least they seemed to take buttons …

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