Saturday, November 7, 2009

Chaz Bond, daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono, happy with his change of sex

Chaz Bond and Jennifer Elia

Chaz Bond says that his four-year-old fiancée, Jennifer Elia, has been of a big support during the process of his transformation in man.

Now, it expresses, his surgery of change of sex allows to the couple to have physically those that they always had emotionally: a heterosexual relation.

“She has been wonderful,” it expressed Bond, of 40 years, to Entertainment Tonight during an extensive interview. “I feel really been grateful of having happened because of it along with my couple.”

Bond revealed that Elia knew his intentions from a beginning. “I him did not appear with this to Jennifer suddenly. This is something that she knew soon that we met.”

Then he adds, “Our relation has always had the form of a heterosexual, emotional relation and intellectually. So that now it it is physically also.”

A man declared bond in advance to have felt from his childhood. “I feel that I am living in my body for the first time, and it feels really good.”

In last June the mother of Bond, Cher, declared that it was supporting entirely his decision to there be carried out a surgery of change of sex. “The only thing that will never change my endless love is for her,” he affirmed.

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